Thursday, March 15, 2007

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Nice article about "Communities need care and feeding"

(very) Nice article at

I have learned many things from and

Thanks a lot :-)

Lambat banget di

rasanya == lambat (banget) euy.

Udah pernah aku posting di Mailing List Komunitas .Net Indonesia, tapi hanya ada 1 respon :-(

Ampun dah...
Masa sich bisa sampai selambat itu :-(.
We we weeeee.... ini cuman blog doank lhooo....

Dulu waktu masih di == lebih kenceng tuh.

Karena menggunakan Community Server ?
Ah, yang bener aja nie.
Banyak tuh website-website yang menggunakan Community Server == tapi ndak se--lelet

Hhhmmmm... gimana dunk nie ?

Blog kan bisa kita jadikan sebagai bahan referensi.
Nah looo... klo' lebih sering Error ? Wadduuuhhhh.....

Hhhmmm... emang sich, emang aku siapa sich ? Enak banget ngomel-ngomel tentang !!!

Ah, ndak gitu lan Men...
Kali aja posting ku ini ada gunanya bagi temen-temen di Komunitas .NET Indonesia

Berikut ini beberapa contoh error :

Ini yang sering terjadi :

Dan ini yang juga aneh :-( :

3 type of creating Skin (DotNetNuke)

I think, there are 3 types of creating Skin :
  1. imitation skin
  2. semi imitation skin
  3. original skin
  4. ... ?
Imitation skin

We imitate skin to a same System. This type is very very simple (because target and destination is identical). For example, we go to site Powered by DotNetnuke. Then we imitate its skin. So... we have DotNetNuke skin on our hand now :-). This is same for Joomla. We go to site Powered by Joomla. Then we imitate its skin.

Semi imitation skin

We find nice site. Whatever its System is. For example or Then we imitate its layout for our DotNetNuke Skin or Joomla Skin (or whatever the destination is). Some skills are needed for this type, because of different of target and destination :-(

Original skin

We create skin from scratch. HTML layout, CSS file, image and all objects of Skin is created from the beginning. Some serious skills are needed :-) (but the result is satisfying).

No more Skin Demo. Screenshoot only, please

There are many websites sell Skin for CMS/Portal/Blog such as DotNetNuke, Mambo, Joomla, Wordpress...

Providing demo ? How kind you are :-).

Better no demo (it is {too} easy to imitate yours) please...

Some articles cited about how easy to imitate skin is :
Some sites (selling Skin) provide no demo. Just screenshoot only (it is better idea) :-)

Nice Code Formatting

I enjoy reading

Content ? of course it is.

But there is another thing :: code formatting.

Long time ago, I have read

By the way, how to be like that in this Blog ( ?

Sunday, March 04, 2007 :: Labels for this post

I like this feature.

By the way, how to insert Smile Icon ?

Opinion : Agressive Software Developer Community in Indonesia (Java and .NET)

In this era, Java and .NET are two (very) cools technology in Software Industry (also I give my respect to another technology, such as Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP, Perl, ...).

Each technology has their own supporter (paid or unpaid, active or not, ...).

I just want to give my perfection in Indonesia (country where I live in) ::

.:: to be continued ::.

Join :: Forum and Support (BugTracker)

I have been registered as user on since ??? (I forget it, but I know it was long time ago. Sometime on 2006)

Know I just want to start to give (small) thing I could do to community (sadly DotNetNuke community in my country :: is not life again. It makes me confuse because there is and that honoured as DotNetNuke Company in Indonesia).

Yap... better late than nothing :-)

Interesting Error message on

Take a look...

a critical error has occured :

Java Company ::

Wooow... it is amazing.

From mailing list, I find

Let's go to

One proven advantages from Open Source World :-)